Best podcast recording software 2022
When you’re recording a podcast, be it your first or your 500th, you’ll be aware how important it is to capture, process and arrange high quality audio. To get the job done right you'll need to select the best podcast recording software.There are plenty of solutions to help with podcast production, from simple free applications to fully-fledged multitrack studio packages, and here … [Read more...]
Best Free Alternative Photo Software For Photoshop
While you may feel that Photoshop is essential for your job, there are several free alternatives to the program that you can use instead. Some of these programs include GIMP and Seashore. Seashore has a more simple user interface and is based on the GIMP project. The program supports a wide variety of file formats, layers, gradients, textures, anti-aliasing, and more. For Mac users, Seashore is a … [Read more...]
What is the Difference Between Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop?
There are many differences between Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, but what's the biggest one? The answer to that question depends on your goals and skill level. Adobe Illustrator CC is designed for professional-level designers, while Photoshop CC is for beginners. Illustrator CC comes with some new features, such as improved compatibility with macOS Sierra. This article will cover some of … [Read more...]
Best Free Drawing Software For Professionals & Amateurs In 2022
Top view of a designer using graphic tablet and working with computer while sitting at his workplace in the office. Top view of a workplace with graphic tablet, keyboard and computer. Gone are the days when we rely on just pencils and paper to represent or create our ideas. Thanks to technology, professional artists and illustrators can use various drawing software … [Read more...]
How Much Does It Cost To Get Adobe Photoshop?
If you're a photographer, you probably wonder how much it costs to have Photoshop. Buying Photoshop used to be easy, with a set price for the full program. But nowadays, subscription models are sweeping the creative software industry. While you may not know how much Photoshop costs, there are plenty of benefits to subscribing to this popular software. Read on to discover more about the advantages … [Read more...]
What Is Adobe Illustrator Used For?
If you are looking for an image editing software, you may have come across Illustrator. This application can be used to create vector graphics. Vector graphics are editable, can be produced at any size and can be used across many different mediums, and can even be animated. Here are some of the most popular uses of Illustrator. Hopefully, these tips will help you decide how to use Illustrator in … [Read more...]